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A Musical Metamorphosis

Xayla Trinity first entered the music industry as Tina Simone back in 2009, when she began her solo career in Kingston, Jamaica. The period between 2011, following her first full-length solo show, and 2020 was an intense "caterpillar" period for this artiste, as she merged her music career and other unearthed talents under the banner Xayla Trinity Empowerment Services. 


This is the newly formed "empowerment" brand and the music artiste formerly named Tina Simone (Mowatt) now offers her music, writing, and life coaching services under the soon-to-be-launched business name.


 After years of anticipation, the highly anticipated music debut is finally here, and fans and critics alike couldn’t be more excited. Xayla Trinity, the music artiste, is available for bookings, appearances, and interviews. Feel free to get in touch to learn more.

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